About Us

With funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Urban Alliance on Race Relations will be working with Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA), Ontario Alliance of Black School Educators, Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto, and Tamil Canadian Centre for Civic Action to engage in two years of groundwork for systemic change in education policy, while engaging with organizations of racialized communities.

Our project first aims to bring together existing work, those already doing the organizing, and those eager to be involved in activism. We will then equip them further with advocacy tools & trainings, and spend the next two years working towards specific policy changes - that volunteers will determine - at the level of regional school boards & the provincial government.

As of now, we are currently in the data collection stage of our project. We have enlisted the help of placement students from the University of Toronto as well as Ryerson University to help us build up our knowledge of our selected communities and geographies.


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Address: 305 Milner Ave, Suite 908, Toronto, ON M1B 3V4